Popular Science》是美国季刊杂志。创刊于1872年,一直是全球销量第一的生活科技信息杂志,共11个版本以9种文字在世界各地同步发行。130多年来,Popular Science 在提升人们的生活品质和科技素养方面起着举足轻重的作用。《Popular Science》跟踪正在或将要影响我们生活的世界科技创新和突破,致力于图文并茂,通俗易懂地报道生活科技前沿信息,成为读者走近最新生活科技的桥梁,享受现代科技成果的指南,了解未来科技发展趋势的窗口。Discovery and innovation are reshaping the world around us, and Popular Science magazine makes even the most complex ideas entertaining and accessible.This is the most exciting time to be alive in history. Get Popular Science digital magazine subscription today and see why. By taking an upbeat, solutions-oriented look at today’s most audacious science and revolutionary technology, we forecast what tomorrow will be like. We deliver the future now.