了解关于超级机器,惊人的发明,和酷的小玩意!从最早的工具到最新的技术…充满了很酷的机器,充满了电影和动画,以及各种各样的小发明,作者/插画家大卫麦考利探索了历史上最伟大的发明家的迷人世界,并解释了150多台机器和发明的工作原理。参观巨大的储藏室,里面装满了明信片、文具、声音和图片;或者和长毛象一起旅行,你会发现从公元前7000年到现在最辉煌和重要的发明。包括一个虚拟景观充满可点击的项目,一个三维地形图与成千上万的链接,以帮助您解决最令人困惑的科学问题-此外,你可以访问庞大的校舍,以测试自己的所有新和有趣的知识,你刚刚获得!特点:25大卫·麦考利视频超过300 24庞大的电影3 d动画说明景观1000多70000字的文本插图超过1000全彩色屏幕和弹出窗口在一个小时的叙述和音效互动的科学测试学习22科学完全可搜索的索引的基本原理与系统相关的概念和原则

Learn about mega machines, amazing inventions, and cool gadgets! From the earliest tools to the latest technology… Bursting with cool machines, packed with movies and animations, and loaded with all kinds of gizmos, this journey with author/illustrator David Macaulay explores the fascinating world of history’s greatest inventors and explains the workings of more than 150 of their machines and inventions. Visit the Mammoth Storeroom packed with postcards, stationery, sounds, and pictures; or travel with the Great Woolly Mammoth as you uncover the most brilliant and significant inventions from 7,000 BC to the present. Includes a virtual landscape full of clickable items, a 3D terrain map with thousands of links to help you resolve the most puzzling scientific questions—plus you can visit the Mammoth School House to test yourself on all the new and interesting knowledge you’ve just gained! Features: 25 videos featuring David Macaulay More than 300 animations 24 Mammoth Movies 3D illustrated landscape More than 70,000 words of text 1,000 illustrations More than 1,000 full-color screens and pop-ups Over one hour of narration and sound effects Interactive Science Test Learn 22 basic principles of science Fully searchable index Links to related concepts and principles.